Use multiple
currencies in YNAB

Manage YNAB accounts with multiple currencies in a single budget. Our plugin works by automatically converting your foreign account's transactions to your budget currency.

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How it works


Add your transactions

Add your foreign transactions in YNAB and leave them in their original currency.


Set up conversion rules

On our website, configure the currency of the original transactions and pick a start date.



Trigger a conversion manually and review them before updating the transaction in YNAB, or set up conversions to run daily in the background.


Sync with YNAB

Your conversions are updated in YNAB and a memo is added so you can always find the original amount and the exchange rate used during conversion.


Convert your transactions to any of the more than 150 supported fiat currencies.

Historical rates

We apply the exchange rate of the date of the transaction to give you the most accurate conversion.


We support thousands of cryptocurrencies of all sizes. Full list.

Automatic sync

Let us sync your transactions automatically once a day, or sync them manually whenever you want.


We use the official YNAB API to securely upload your converted transactions.

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